Chandler Sessions on Integrity and Corruption Convenes at Oxford University

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July 29, 2022

OXFORD, UNITED KINGDOM – Members of the Chandler Sessions on Integrity and Corruption met at Oxford University for a week in late July to discuss new strategies for strengthening government integrity. These members are innovative senior officials at anti-corruption institutions – leaders of anti-corruption bureaus, heads of public prosecution, and auditor generals. This was the first in person convening since the Chandler Sessions launched virtually in July 2021.  

At the convening, the members discussed critical issues in anti-corruption such as corruption measurement, independence from political interference, and Russian sanctions in the context of corruption. They also deliberated draft papers that members co-authored in preparation for the meeting. In addition to the permanent members of the Chandler Sessions, the group was joined by special guests Lisa Osofsky (Director, Serious Fraud Office, UK), Sir Rob Wainwright (former Executive Director of Europol), and Ricardo Saadi (former Superintendent of the Federal Police in Rio de Janeiro).

The members will meet again in January and July 2023, and January 2024. Between convenings, the officials will continue to design and pilot the anti-corruption innovations that arise from the Chandler Sessions