Social Investor 2022: Changing the Game

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October 18, 2022

The Chandler Foundation is proud to announce the publication of the fourth annual issue of Social Investor magazine, the only peer-to-peer publication serving social innovators and leaders in global philanthropy.

The theme of this year’s magazine is systems change. This edition delivers insights and lessons from more than 35 contributors hailing from the Americas to Zimbabwe and Somalia to Singapore. Read comedian Trevor Noah’s inspiration, Dr. Melanie Lundquist’s strategy for achieving durable and transformative impact in the Los Angeles School District, and Abigail Disney’s philanthropic journey to take on her namesake.

Social change experts John Kania and Cynthia Rayner lay out concrete ways that social investors can incorporate the principles of systems change to accelerate and magnify their impact. Degan Ali shares her vision for decolonizing philanthropy. And New York Times columnist David Brooks, and Zimbabwean mother-daughter philanthropic duo Tsitsi and Elizabeth Tanya Masiyiwa share their visions.

We invite you to browse this edition, share your feedback with us (, and join the conversation about Social Investor on social media using #SocialInvestorMag.