Systems Change in Action: Decolonizing Aid & Philanthropy

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May 13, 2022

As part of Catalyst 2030's Catalysing Change Week, Chandler Foundation co-hosted "Systems Change in Action: Decolonizing Aid & Philanthropy" with Adeso, an organization that is changing the way people think about and deliver aid.

The discussion featured Degan Ali, Executive Director of Adeso, Solome Lemma, Executive Director of Thousand Currents, Don Steinberg, Expert Advisor to the Administrator at USAID, and Abby Maxman, President and CEO of Oxfam America. Tim Hanstad, CEO of the Chandler Foundation, moderated the session.

During the discussion, the expert panelists discussed the current landscape of the movement for decolonization and locally-led development and outlined ways that stakeholders from across the public, private, and humanitarian sectors can work in collaboration to shift power and agency to those most proximate to the complex issues the development industry seeks to address.  

Watch the session recording below.